Fugitivos Room Escape

Legal advise

Legal notice and conditions of use of the website www.fugitivosroomescape.com

General information about Fugitives Room Escape (hereinafter referred to as the website)

In accordance with the duty of information required by Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, the general information data of the website is detailed below:
The website and its content are property of David Guerrero Navas, with D.N.I. 43.540.255-J, with address at PASAJE POSOLTEGA, LOCAL 11, C.P. 08030 Barcelona capital.
You can contact us at the listed address, by calling 663762802 (Monday to Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.), by sending an email to info@fugitivosroomescape.com

Terms and conditions of use

Access and use of this website attributes the visitor to the status of user. This means that the user accepts the conditions of use in force at all times and undertakes to make appropriate use of the contents of the website and to strictly observe and comply with the provisions of this notice and the applicable regulations.

Likewise, the user agrees to:

1) Provide truthful information about registration data and keep them updated;
2) Do not disseminate content contrary to the law or the dignity of the person; that are discriminatory due to birth, race, sex, religion, opinion or any other personal or social condition or circumstance; or that, in any way, are contrary to the law and public order;
3) any others that, in the opinion of Fugitivos Room Escape, are inappropriate for publication.

Fugitivos Room Escape reserves the right to make any modifications it deems appropriate, adding, changing or eliminating content or services provided through the website; as well as to withdraw any contribution or comment that contravenes the rules described above.
Fugitivos Room Escape will not be responsible in any case for the opinions expressed by the user through the participation tools offered by the website and/or RRSS.
The website requires the user to register, register personal data or fill out forms
The website offers spaces to receive and respond to comments or another system for user interaction.
Access to the website is free of charge for the user in all its parts, contents, etc.
The user declares, under his/her responsibility, to be of legal age and to have sufficient capacity to be bound by these conditions.
This website may contain links to third party sites. These sites have their own privacy policies which we encourage you to review.
f any of the products or services are directed to minors under 14 years of age, Fugitivos Room Escape will not collect personal data from the minor unless permitted by current laws and has the express consent of their parents or legal guardians.

Privacy and data protection policy

In compliance with the provisions of Regulation 2016/679, of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, Fugitivos Room Escape, as responsible for the website, informs all users who provide or are going to provide their personal data, that these will be subject to processing that has been registered among the processing activities of Fugitivos Room Escape,in accordance with the provisions of article 30 of the RGPD.
The owner of the website is Fugitivos Room Escape whose identification and registration data head this legal notice. Fugitivos Room Escape, through the forms that it makes available to the user, may collect the personal information that will be detailed below in order to adapt our commercial offers to your requests in order to offer you a more personalized and effective service: name and surname , gender, date of birth, postal and email address, telephone number, bank card and account number.
The user provides the requested information voluntarily. Refusal to provide it has, as the only consequence for the user, not receiving information adjusted to their preferences or the services offered by the website.

By checking the corresponding box, the user expressly and freely accepts that their personal data will be processed by Fugitivos Room Escape for the following purposes:

– Offer you the best experience (browsing, purchasing, etc.)
– Contact the user in case any incident occurs in the contracted service.
– Respond to user queries.
– Send commercial communications to the user.

Fugitivos Room Escape, as responsible for the file and processing of personal data, is obliged to maintain professional secrecy with respect to all of them as well as to store them, obligations that will subsist even after ending the user’s relations with Fugitives Room Escape.
Fugitivos Room Escape guarantees the user at all times the exercise of their rights of access, rectification, limitation, deletion, cancellation, portability and opposition to the personal data provided, by writing to Fugitivos Room, Passatge Posoltega, local 11, 08030, Barcelona. ,or through the email address info@fugitivosroomescape.com In the practice of the services we provide, we use the AION tool belonging to the company PRO ESCAPE.

Cookies Policy

1. Definition and function of cookies

What are cookies?
A cookie is a file that is downloaded to your computer when you access certain web pages. Cookies allow a website, among other things, to store and retrieve information about the browsing habits of a user or their equipment and, depending on the information they contain and the way you use your equipment, they can be used to recognize the user.

2. What types of cookies does this website use?

Technical and personalization cookies: necessary or convenient for the provision of certain services. The former allow the user to navigate through the website and use the different services available, and the latter allow the user to access the service with some predefined general characteristics.
Cookies are used for language, content management and session maintenance when necessary. If these cookies are deactivated, you may not receive the contents of the website correctly.
Analytical cookies: either because they are processed by us or by third parties, they allow the monitoring and statistical analysis of the behavior of all users. If these cookies are deactivated, the website may continue to function, without prejudice to the fact that the information captured by these cookies about the use of our website and its content allows us to improve our services.
Cookies from external social networks: these are used so that visitors can interact with the content of different social platforms.

3. How to deactivate or delete cookies

You can allow, block or delete cookies installed on your computer by configuring the browser options on your computer.
Configuration for Internet Explorer
Configuration for Mozilla Firefox
Configuration for Google Chrome
Settings for Safari

If you do not accept cookies, the website may not function correctly.

4. Information on the identification of the person who uses the cookies

The information obtained by the cookies is processed by Fugitivos Room Escape, which has contracted the provision of the analytics service with Google Analytics where by following the link you can access its legal conditions.
There may also be plugins from other providers where by following the following links you can check the legal conditions regarding cookies of each of them:

5. Update of the cookie policy

It is possible that due to new interpretations made by the competent regulatory body, judges or courts, this cookie policy may undergo some modification, so the user is requested to regularly check its content.
Likewise, the website expressly guarantees users that their personal data will not be transferred in any case to third parties without requesting prior express, informed and unequivocal consent for the specific transfer.
However, the website may disclose personal data, as well as any other information in its possession through its computer systems, to the competent public authority upon request, in accordance with the applicable legal provisions, as well as that it may disclose to third parties the data strictly necessary by contractual obligation.

Link Policy

The website may contain links to other websites with different privacy policies than this one. Fugitivos Room Escape is not responsible for the content or practices of linked sites and the user is recommended to carefully read the privacy policy of any website accessed from it.

Intellectual and industrial property

This website is property of David Guerrero Navas.
The name, design and logos that make up this website are duly registered trademarks. Its improper use may be prosecuted in accordance with current legislation.
The intellectual property rights and brands of third parties are highlighted and the user must respect them, in any case.
It is prohibited to reproduce, publicly communicate, distribute, assign or transmit, modify or delete the information, content or warnings of the website, unless prior, express and written authorization from Fugitivos Room Escape.

General conditions of Booking

By making your reservation at www.fugitivosroomescape.com you are accepting the following conditions. They must be read carefully before being accepted.

Reservations and Payments

– Reservations must be made online on the Fugitivos website, except where the reservation is made less than 24 hours in advance. In that case, the user must contact Fugitivos via email or telephone to verify the availability of sessions.
– The user agrees to enter true and exact data when making an activity reservation.
-Fugitivos accepts payments by credit card, debit card (Visa, Visa Electron, Mastercard) or in cash, at the same location on the day of the reservation.
-Once the payment is received and officially notified by our bank, the client will receive an email confirming the reservation and payment.
– Valid prices can be consulted in the reservation form.
– Fugitivos reserves the right to modify current prices and carry out specific promotions without these changes or promotions having retroactive effects on the sessions held and/or booked previously.
– If more people show up than those included in the reservation (without exceeding the maximum allowed), the extra must be paid at the premises itself.
– If the team arrives late, the delay will be deducted from the game time and/or the reservation cannot be changed.
– Once the reservation is made, it is final. No changes or cancellations are allowed. Exceptionally, two free reassignments are allowed as long as it is notified 48 hours in advance of the reservation made (day and time) and can only be done by phone. From the third reassignment it will incur a cost of €30.
– No refund will be provided in case of cancellation or no-show.
– Force Majeure. Fugitives is not responsible for delays or obstructions that cause delay of your arrival whether caused by bad weather, strikes, protests, floods, traffic jams, civil unrest or any other reason. It is the sole and exclusive responsibility of the client to arrive on time according to their reservation.
-The Gift Voucher has an expiration date of one year and responds to these General Conditions.
-The maximum duration of the game is 80 minutes, it is not possible to exceed this time.

Use of facilities

– Except in any case, the room escape game will exceed the capacity of 10 players.

– Each player will be instructed before the game by his Game Master or game guide and is responsible for listening to and understanding the rules of the game and will participate in the game at his own risk. Furthermore, Fugitivos is not responsible for any damage (personal or equipment) caused by misuse of the game room or failure to follow the rules described before the game. However, Fugitivos has civil liability insurance to insure any accident that occurs at its facilities.
– Whenever the Game Master suspects that one or more people in the group are under the influence of alcohol or drugs, the group may be rejected and the game is cancelled, with no right to any credit or change of date. Fugitives reserves the right of admission.
– The entry of drinks or food is not allowed.
– Failure to comply with the instructions, misuse of the facilities, recording or photographing the interior of the premises will result in the immediate expulsion of the participants, thus losing the right to continue playing and the claim for any type of refund and/or compensation.
– Any minor under 16 years of age must be accompanied by at least one adult at all times, but it is not necessary for the adult to play with them.
– Players are recommended to wear comfortable clothing for the game. They will have a safe place at their disposal where they must deposit all their belongings, including mobile phones.
-In the event of a technical failure, unforeseen force majeure or the worker’s indisposition that prevents the development of the activity, Fugitivos will be forced to suspend it. The consumer will be notified by email and telephone number indicated in their reservation as far in advance as possible. In the event that the extraordinary complications explained above occur during a game in progress, players will be able to resume their game on another day of their choice (depending on availability) at no extra cost.

Data Protection

– Fugitivos has taken and will continue to take all relevant measures to protect the security of payments and your debit/credit card information, your banking details never pass through our server and are managed solely by the Redsys server, payment gateway online from la Caixa.
– The logos on this website belong to Fugitivos Room Escape and their use without prior consent is totally prohibited. Use or reproduction of any kind is prohibited.
– The website www.fugitivosroomescape.com is property of Fugitivos. The company reserves the right to modify or vary these terms and conditions, including any of the contents of the website without prior notice.
– Players accept the terms and conditions and agree not to disclose the content of the game/reception.
-Fugitivos reserves the right to request in writing the image rights from users for those images that have been taken within its facilities (photocall). These images will be used to post them on the web, social networks and for promotional use.
– These terms and conditions will be governed by the laws of Spain and all disputes will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Spanish courts.